When Does One Need to See a Dentist? Here Are Three Examples of Warning Signs

Taking Dental Care Seriously

People use their teeth every day, most commonly for eating and chewing on food, but that is not the only purpose of the teeth. The teeth also affect the way a person speaks, as there are certain words that require the tongue to touch the teeth.

That is often the reason why when people lose a significant number of their teeth, they sound different or a little strange when they talk. Of course, the missing teeth also largely affect the way a person eats as there are fewer tools to help chew the food into pieces for it to be swallowed easily.

In other words, having missing teeth can cause some inconvenience to the person as it can significantly affect his everyday life. That should be reason enough for people to practice proper dental care habits

Taking care of one’s teeth does not even have to be that hard, everyone can do it regardless of age, size, gender, etc. In fact, even a small child can take care of his teeth on his own if his parents have taught him how to do it!

Brushing, flossing, using mouthwash are three of the most basic dental care habits everyone can do. On top of that are visits to the dentist, which should be done at least once a year.

When Does One Really Need a Dentist?

Apart from the recommended annual dentist visits, there are certain situations that would require a person to pay a visit to the dentist regardless of the annual schedule. These instances could occur due to dental injuries caused by accidents, or problems developed from neglecting proper dental care habits.

Whatever the reason may be, if anyone out there experiences these following signs, it is time to pay a visit to the dentist ASAP!

  • Toothache. Sometimes when people experience toothache, they wait until it resides for a day or two and decide they are all better and will not visit the dentist anymore. That, of course, is not a good practice. The root problem still remains and the pain can keep coming back even if the body’s natural responses can fight off infections or anything causing pain. When something hurts, there is definitely something wrong and it cannot simply go away with the wave of a magic wand. The moment the toothache or pain hits, it is time to see the dentist. In fact, even mild toothaches can be a sign of a more serious, underlying dental problem that can get worse if not checked or left untreated.
  • Changes in the gums. The teeth are not the only ones that can get affected by poor dental hygiene. The gums are just as sensitive to germs and bacteria in the mouth as the teeth and are even probably more sensitive. These said germs and bacteria can lead to a dental problem called gingivitis, identified as the inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis is known to actually be painless, but it can lead to a more serious problem called periodontitis, a more severe development of gingivitis. The symptoms people have to watch out for are gums that have turned bluish-red or red, receding gums, swollen gums, and pus and odor coming from the gums. Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing can also be a telltale sign that something is wrong. If any of these happen, one should immediately see a dentist to save the gums and the teeth.
  • Canker sores that do not heal. Canker sores are known to be quite painful and a hindrance to a person’s everyday activities, especially when it comes to eating and speaking. Thankfully, they tend to go as quickly as they come, and heal after a few days or a week at most. However, watch out for canker sores that do not heal at all and are accompanied by persistent pain and a high fever. These sorts of canker sores are more than just a minor hindrance, and can be a sign of something more serious. The only way to confirm it is by having a dentist evaluate and check on the symptoms, especially the persistent and non-healing canker sore.

Dental Check Ups at Vancouver

Residents in Vancouver do not have to travel too far in order to receive dental checkups and other general dentistry treatments. They can just head over to AmberWood Dental and allow their Vancouver dentist provide the dental treatment or checkup they need.

For those who need more information on the said clinic, they can check out the website at www.amberwooddental.ca. All of their contact details are listed there as well, so just click on the link to their website to find other ways to reach them and talk to them personally!

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