Why Dental Care Is Important For Everyone

Even at a very young age, children are taught to brush their teeth at least twice every day to have strong and healthy teeth. It is important that parents reinforce these habits until kids no longer have to be reminded to brush their teeth.

Oral health care is a lifetime commitment – even people who have lost all their teeth need to keep their mouths healthy, as their gums can be just as sensitive to bacteria, germs, and diseases as those that still have their teeth.

Regular visits to your dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy, and to check that your home care is sufficient is imperative. You might think you are able to see everything that is going on in your mouth, but you would be surprised at the things that can hide in there!

Good oral health care doesn’t need to be time consuming and arduous. The trick is getting into the habit, and then sticking with it!

Improve Dental Health by Using the Right Toothbrush

Dental health care professionals advise patients to see their dentist at least once or twice a year for checkups and regular teeth cleaning. During the rest of the year, it is important to have good home care. The trick is using the correct tools – a good toothbrush, floss, and mouth rinse are the foundations of preventative dental care.

Choosing the right toothbrush can be daunting when you’re standing in the store staring at a wall of toothbrushes of different shapes, sizes, and textures. Here are some quick tips to help you choose:

  • Choose soft bristled brushes. Recommended by The Canadian Dental Association, toothbrushes with soft and rounded bristles are best as they are a lot gentler on teeth and gums. The average person tends to “scrub” their teeth with their toothbrush, so using a stiff-bristled brush can actually do damage to the teeth and gums, causing bleeding and wearing of the tooth enamel causing sensitivity. Soft-bristled brushes are also better for removing food debris and plaque on teeth, as the bristles slide in-between teeth a lot easier.
  • Choose nylon bristles. Some people may have heard of the “natural toothbrush” trend, where people use wooden toothbrushes with bristles made out of an Araak tree root (also known as Miswak). Apart from their wooden handle, natural brushes are also easily distinguished by their (usually) light brown bristles (sometimes made of pig’s hair!). Unfortunately, no proper research has been done on these brushes yet as to how effective or harmful they are to a person’s teeth. That being said, dental professionals feel it is better to stick with the recommended nylon-bristled toothbrushes that are commonly used around the world.
  • Choose the right toothbrush head size. People may sometimes fuss over the shape of the toothbrush head and how it looks, but one should be more concerned about the size of the toothbrush head. For example, if you have a small mouth, you may have a hard time angling the toothbrush properly if the head is too big. Toothbrushes with small heads are more commonly recommended for the general populous.

More Tips and Advice From the Experts

The AmberWood Dental experts are more than willing to share more tips and advice on taking care of your teeth. The clinic offers a variety of dental services that residents in Vancouver may need, like general dentistry treatments such as checkups and teeth cleaning.

For more information on the types of services available, please visit the website at www.amberwooddental.ca.

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